Various official Yum repositories conveniently packaged
Instead of worrying about importing GPG keys and creating repo configuration files manually all you have to do is to install a single package.
Install all repositories at once
yum -y install mariadb-release nginx-release nodejs-release rabbitmq-release varnish-release elasticsearch-release remi-release
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/*
yum -y makecache fast
Available repository release packages
- this repositorymariadb-release
- official MariaDB Repositorynginx-release
- official nginx Repositorynodejs-release
- official nodesource repositoriesrabbitmq-release
- official RabbitMQ Repositoryvarnish-release
- official Varnish Cache Repositoryelasticsearch-release
- official Varnish Cache Repositoryremi-release
- unmodified RPM from Remi’s site